If you have been with us for a while, you might recall I am a big fan of choosing three words at the end of each year. These three words represent how I want to feel, be and show up during the coming year. If you missed them, you can read those articles here and here. For 2022 my words are Energetic, Optimistic, Fruitful, and Blessed. Yes, I know that's four words, that's cool. The words and how they make you feel are what's important, not the number.
Even with the best intentions, I sometimes forget to look for opportunities to actively live my words each day. So a mid-year check-in is a great way to add some spark. One way to do that is to tie in your three words with a Visual Priorities Jar, which Sheri introduced in our last Art of Applied Visual Thinking newsletter.
Want to play along? Pull out your Visual Priorities Jar and a few colored markers, and let's see how we can easily wedge in a few words here and there.
Reviewing your priorities through the lens of your words for the year is a wonderful way to add some zing to your days and help you notice and appreciate the person you are becoming.